
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, March 30, 2009

28.02.2009 (星期六)

Today as usual i went to work. I left office at 11:30am. I suppose to work until 1pm. I don't care. I just told my boss I want to left early....

I start my journey to Kuala Lumpur....I sent an sms when I passed by Tanjung Malim. The returned was very bad....I started to drive like snake

I seek help from 黑牙. 黑牙gave me the strengh. Again thank you 黑牙.

Nearly met an accident when driving at Kesas..

Everything back to normal but...everything become fragile...I have to very take care of it.


2009年2月27日 星期五

Guru Rinpoche showed me the road. I knew what should i do once i awake. I started to pack my clothes. Prepared myself for 28th journey. I went to work as usual.

I am steady compare few days ago. I have plan....but i am very worry...I seek for help...

Thanks 黑牙. Without you i am not here today....

27.02.2009 (Friday)

Today woke up at 1:50am till 4am then wake up again at 6am. 1:50am---brain starting to think..many many...tears drop again..I pray for Guru Rinpoche, please show me a road. I really don't know what to do.

I wish i can fly.

I feel so sorry to people who cares about me. My parents, expecially my mother. Because of me everything change. I feel so sorry to everybody.

I dream...dream something i must protecting...some numbers..I don't know what..just protecting.

6:00am--i awake. Pray to Guru Rinpoche give me the strengh.I can feel i am very weak now. i feel like i am going to die.... My heart feel pain and bleeding.I don't know what will be going on tomorrow.

二月二十六日 星期四

为何让自己打中文字,只因打得太慢可以过时间。平时爱看戏的我现在觉得做么也没心情。 心里还是让自己存有希望。 在办公事忍了好久好久。眼泪在眼眶里打滚,满了偶尔还是忍不住掉下。 眼睛好累好累, 肚子好饿。可是一点睡意也没有, 一点想吃东西的感觉也没有。 眼泪好奇怪,明明没有哭, 可是它会自己流下来。还流了两个小时。还好是躲在被里。 想了好多好多。 从床上爬起来, 到厕所冲凉希望等下晚餐眼睛不会太肿。在厕所洗内衣裤眼泪还是掉下来。 到楼下随便扒了两口饭。怎么口那么干,连饭也吞不下。眼泪差点在饭桌上掉下。 心情七上八下。不能平复。我真的崩溃了。